OSIMM Infrastructure and Management

OSIMM Infrastructure and Management

Sujets de la dimension et Questions


Exigences non-fonctionnelles

  1. Which assets are placed under version control?
  2. What is your current change management process?
  3. What tools are used for configuration management?
  4. What are considered as your organization's IT assets (excluding human resource)? How are these assets managed?
  5. What does your current operational architecture look like?
  6. How does your operational architecture support the non-functional requirements for applications and services?
Exigences opérationnelles
  1. What are your current infrastructure usage guidelines?
  2. What level of monitoring is in place today? What management tools are in place today?
  3. What platforms are currently in use for integration?
  1. How are your IT SLAs derived from the business SLAs?
  2. Have you defined SLAs around quality-of-service? How is this monitored and measured?
  3. Have you defined any SLAs around security and privacy? How is this measured and monitored?



Maturity Level
Cell Name


Maturity Attributes

(Level 1)

Ad hoc LOB IT Strategy and Governance

Faible ou innexistant

Little or nonexistent operating support for the deployment of services.

(Level 2)

IT Trans-formation


Messaging solutions exist to integrate applications and support the migration to an ESB.

Service management and service security are partially implemented.

(Level 3)

Common SOA Governance Processes

Partagé dans l'organisation

Processes for service management and security have been published and are in use for the business unit or enterprise.

(Level 4)

Emerging SOA Governance


Operating environment supports enterprise-wide service deployment. Identities of distributed users across departmental, organizational, and enterprise boundaries can be administered and managed.

Composite Services
(Level 5)

SOA and IT Governance Alignment

Culture d'entreprise

Service management supports quality-of-service and composite applications.

Security policies are managed and enforced.

Virtualized Services
(Level 6)

SOA and IT Infrastructure Governance Alignment

Interne et Partenaires

Services as resources can be virtualized such that an instance may be deployed across multiple runtime environments.

Service monitoring and performance management supports deployment of new services.

Dynamically Re-Configurable Services
(Level 7)

Governance Implemented using Automated Policies

Etreprise agile

Service management tracks and predicts changes to services necessary to optimize service quality.

Services can be re-used in new and dynamic ways without negatively impacting the quality-of-service of existing services.

Service security policies are dynamic and managed in real time.


cf. Source.

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