OSIMM Infrastructure and Management
Sujets de la dimension et Questions
Sujet | Question(s) |
Exigences non-fonctionnelles |
Exigences opérationnelles |
Maturity Level | Synthèse | Maturity Attributes |
Silo Ad hoc LOB IT Strategy and Governance | Faible ou innexistant | Little or nonexistent operating support for the deployment of services. |
Integrated IT Trans-formation | Limité | Messaging solutions exist to integrate applications and support the migration to an ESB. Service management and service security are partially implemented. |
Componentized Common SOA Governance Processes | Partagé dans l'organisation | Processes for service management and security have been published and are in use for the business unit or enterprise. |
Services Emerging SOA Governance | Entreprise | Operating environment supports enterprise-wide service deployment. Identities of distributed users across departmental, organizational, and enterprise boundaries can be administered and managed. |
Composite Services SOA and IT Governance Alignment | Culture d'entreprise | Service management supports quality-of-service and composite applications. Security policies are managed and enforced. |
Virtualized Services SOA and IT Infrastructure Governance Alignment | Interne et Partenaires | Services as resources can be virtualized such that an instance may be deployed across multiple runtime environments. Service monitoring and performance management supports deployment of new services. |
Dynamically Re-Configurable Services Governance Implemented using Automated Policies | Etreprise agile | Service management tracks and predicts changes to services necessary to optimize service quality. Services can be re-used in new and dynamic ways without negatively impacting the quality-of-service of existing services. Service security policies are dynamic and managed in real time. |
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